Our Tutors
Certified Teachers Only
We provide tutors of the highest quality. Most of our tutors are certified teachers with an average of over a decade of classroom experience.
So what exactly do we mean by “certified”? Our tutors are current or former state-certified teachers** (or equivalent experience) and undergo an internal certification process with us as a part of their onboarding.
Cignition has a rigorous and selective recruitment and hiring process. Qualifications for consideration include a bachelor's degree, proven ability to deploy a group lesson plan, and completion of grade-level assessments. Another critical component of our qualification process is building a team that meets all students' needs.
Diversity and Inclusivity
Our workforce is a diverse collective of educators, and we cater to an equally diverse set of students. The primary goal of our service is to ensure academic achievement, but we know it’s important that we reach that goal in a way that creates an underlying culture of respect and support and builds upon the cultural backdrop that each student arrives with. A big part of staff development is training tutors to adopt culturally responsive and trauma-informed teaching practices that model social and emotional skills, create a restorative and inclusive climate, contextualize learning for students, and encourage students to leverage their cultural capital through the learning process.
In addition to differentiating instruction by individual and group, we also match qualified tutors to students with special needs. Collaborating with teachers, our dedicated Program Managers identify research-based strategies suited to those who require additional support.
Our Tutors Have Experience With:
- 504 Plans
- AD(H)D
- Asperger Syndrome
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Dyscalculia & Dysgraphia
- Dyslexia
- Gifted and Talented Students
- & Much More
Professional Development
While the majority of our tutor workforce is comprised of experienced classroom instructors, there is still a protocol of training that takes place. These pieces of training can be categorized into two types: front-end workshops and continued synchronous and asynchronous training.
Front-End Workshops
Reflection and Adjustment
Our front-end training is part of the onboarding process in which tutors reflect on how to adapt the high-level classroom instruction they are accustomed to into the small-group digital medium. These workshops connect tutors with each other to strengthen our professional community and allow them to experience and instill the digital learning norms as part of our research efforts. While the phenomenon of student learning does not change with the digital group tutoring we offer, the mechanics of ensuring that it happens are subtly different. Our front-end training is designed to focus on these differences and allow tutors to lean into that space.
Synchronous and Asynchronous Training
The Growth Never Stops
Professional development is an ongoing process that continuously helps our tutors improve by benefiting from ongoing feedback. This also plays an integral part in our data measurement and research. We facilitate tutor improvement through synchronous and asynchronous methods such as interactive activities, discussions, sharing examples, and one-on-one meetings to discuss growth. Many of our tutors have discussed their growth as classroom teachers by way of their continued development working with Cignition. Much of this growth is connected to how we provide ongoing feedback to tutors. With our high-level efforts in data collection, we see how students respond to tutors in both content and social-emotionally. These data points are tracked and used to facilitate the discussions of growth for each tutor. We have a standardized rubric across our programs to frame progress for our tutor workforce.
Become a Tutor
Are you a math and/or ELA expert looking for a flexible and rewarding way to earn extra income?